Sound Transit shortens its light-rail ambitions
Seattle Times transportation reporter
Sound Transit's next ballot measure could offer less light rail, more commuter trains and more buses than Proposition 1, the Roads & Transit measure voters rejected in November.
Transit officials have not decided on a plan, or whether it would go to voters this year, or in 2010. But the latest concept, released Thursday by the transit agency, includes:
• Light-rail extensions by 2020 to reach Northgate and Kent-Des Moines Road — shorter than the Proposition 1 goals of reaching north Lynnwood and downtown Tacoma. But an east line would still stretch from Seattle to Overlake.
• An Everett streetcar.
• Extensions of downtown Tacoma light rail, west to Tacoma Community College.
• Bus rapid transit between Snohomish County and a Northgate freeway station. From there, morning commuters could stay on the bus to downtown Seattle. Or they could walk on a pedestrian bridge across Interstate 5, to meet light-rail trains bound for the University of Washington and Capitol Hill.
• Possible short diesel trains on the Eastside, from Woodinville to north Renton.
• A boost in Sounder service south of Seattle, from the currently funded nine weekday round trips to a total 15 round trips.